Here is the list of some key differences between an array and linked list in Java. Once you understand how array and the linked list is implemented and work in any programming language e.g. Java, you can easily figure out these differences.
Do you know the Simple Definition of Array and Linked List? Here It is written below:
Array - An array is a container object that holds a fixed number of values of a single type.
Linked List - A linked list is a data structure consisting of a group of nodes which together represent a sequence.
1) Flexibility
The linked list is more flexible than array data structure because you can change the size of the linked list once created which is not possible with an array. The linked list can also grow unlimited but the array cannot grow beyond its size. This is the most fundamental differences between an array and a linked list is that the length of the array cannot be changed once created but you can add unlimited elements into linked list unless memory is not a constraint.
2) Memory utilization
The array requires a contiguous block of memory, which means if you want to create a large array and even if memory is available you may fail because there is no single chunk of memory which is big enough for your array.
This is the restriction and that's why any large array should be created at the very start of an application when you have a big chunk of memory available.
A linked list is more flexible in terms of memory as well. Since linked list doesn't need a contiguous chunk of memory and nodes of the linked list can be scattered all around heap memory, it's possible to store more elements in the linked list than array if you have fragmented heap space. In short, the linked list is a better data structure for memory utilization than an array.
3) Memory required
linked list data structure requires slightly more memory than an array because apart from data i.e. the element you store, linked list node also stores the address of next node. In Java, the linked list also has object metadata overhead because each Node of the linked list is an object. In short, an array requires less memory than the linked list for storing the same number of elements. See a good book in data structure e.g. Algorithms 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick for more details. The examples in this book are given in Java programming language, which makes it an ideal book for any Java developer.
4) Performance
Another key difference between an array and linked list data structure comes from a performance perspective, which is also the main factor to decide when to use the array over the linked list in Java. array gives O(1) performance for the retrieving element when you know the index but linked list search is in order of O(n). So if you need fast retrieval and you know the index then you should use an array.
When it comes performance of adding and deleting element than linked list stores better than an array because adding into head or tail is O(1) operation if you have the necessary pointer but adding at a random position is O(n). With an array, adding or removing is difficult because it requires rearranging of all other elements as well.
5) Dimension and types
One of the structural difference between linked list and array comes from their variety. The array can be multi-dimensional in Java which makes it ideal data structure for representing matrices, 2D plain, etc.
Do you know the Simple Definition of Array and Linked List? Here It is written below:
Array - An array is a container object that holds a fixed number of values of a single type.
Linked List - A linked list is a data structure consisting of a group of nodes which together represent a sequence.
Array Vs Linked List
1) Flexibility
The linked list is more flexible than array data structure because you can change the size of the linked list once created which is not possible with an array. The linked list can also grow unlimited but the array cannot grow beyond its size. This is the most fundamental differences between an array and a linked list is that the length of the array cannot be changed once created but you can add unlimited elements into linked list unless memory is not a constraint.
2) Memory utilization
The array requires a contiguous block of memory, which means if you want to create a large array and even if memory is available you may fail because there is no single chunk of memory which is big enough for your array.
This is the restriction and that's why any large array should be created at the very start of an application when you have a big chunk of memory available.
A linked list is more flexible in terms of memory as well. Since linked list doesn't need a contiguous chunk of memory and nodes of the linked list can be scattered all around heap memory, it's possible to store more elements in the linked list than array if you have fragmented heap space. In short, the linked list is a better data structure for memory utilization than an array.
3) Memory required
linked list data structure requires slightly more memory than an array because apart from data i.e. the element you store, linked list node also stores the address of next node. In Java, the linked list also has object metadata overhead because each Node of the linked list is an object. In short, an array requires less memory than the linked list for storing the same number of elements. See a good book in data structure e.g. Algorithms 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick for more details. The examples in this book are given in Java programming language, which makes it an ideal book for any Java developer.
4) Performance
Another key difference between an array and linked list data structure comes from a performance perspective, which is also the main factor to decide when to use the array over the linked list in Java. array gives O(1) performance for the retrieving element when you know the index but linked list search is in order of O(n). So if you need fast retrieval and you know the index then you should use an array.
When it comes performance of adding and deleting element than linked list stores better than an array because adding into head or tail is O(1) operation if you have the necessary pointer but adding at a random position is O(n). With an array, adding or removing is difficult because it requires rearranging of all other elements as well.
5) Dimension and types
One of the structural difference between linked list and array comes from their variety. The array can be multi-dimensional in Java which makes it ideal data structure for representing matrices, 2D plain, etc.
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